Proctor Neighborhood Plan
The City’s Neighborhood Planning Program (NPP) provides enhanced planning and development support to help communities create strong, vibrant, and diverse neighborhoods.
City Council identified the Proctor Neighborhood as a priority for the pilot year of the Neighborhood Planning Program. Through the planning process, the community identified the following priorities:
- Pedestrian Safety and Comfort: Supporting safe access to key neighborhood destinations for people walking, biking, and rolling.
- Human-Scale Design: Development that features pedestrian-oriented urban design and honors Proctor’s historic character.
- Outdoor Community Space: Community space for gathering indoors and outdoors, including enhancing access to existing spaces and parks.
- Sustainability and Climate Adaptation: Reducing climate impacts through environmentally sustainable practices and development, and preserving the urban tree canopy.
- Commercial and Residential Affordability: Preserving and constructing housing that is attainable for diverse incomes and needs and affordable commercial space for small and diverse businesses.
Track the Proctor Neighborhood Plan progress and stay involved via our online engagement platform!
Join us for 2024 Proctor Blocks: Open Streets Event Series!
In response to your requests for vibrant gathering spaces in the heart of the Proctor business district, the City of Tacoma’s Neighborhood Planning Program is thrilled to announce our partnership with select local organizations to bring you the Proctor Blocks: Open Streets Event Series. This initiative is a direct response to community feedback during the creation of the Proctor Neighborhood Plan, and more than 700 community members voted to allocate the Neighborhood Planning Booster Grant funding towards this exciting project. Experience Proctor like never before as we close off select non-arterial streets to create vibrant, pedestrian-friendly spaces for activities and events.
La Paloma Market Expansion hosted by La Paloma Marketplace
When: Saturdays, June 1, June 15, June 29, July 13, July 27, Aug 10, and Aug 24, 9 AM – 2 PM
Where: North 28th Street, between North Proctor Street and North Madison Street
Family Fun Day hosted by Mason United Methodist Church and Greentrike
When: Friday, July 12, 3 – 7 PM
Where: North Madison Street, between North 27th Street and North 28th Street
Proctor Food Fest hosted by the Proctor District Association
When: Sunday, August 25, 12 – 4 PM
Where: North 27th Street, between North Proctor Street and North Madison Street
Historic Cushman Street Fair hosted by the North End Neighborhood Council
When: Saturday, September 7, 11 AM – 3 PM
Where: North 19th Street and North Adams Street
For more information about each of the events, visit our online engagement platform.
What's Happening Now?
The Proctor Neighborhood Plan was adopted by City Council in February 2024, and we are now working on implementation. The full Proctor Neighborhood Plan is available online, and you can read an overview in the Executive Summary.
Check out our actions tables to track our progress through implementation!
Community Booster Projects
After sharing the draft Proctor Neighborhood Plan Actions, we asked the community to vote for the Booster Project and had more than 700 people participate! The winning projects were:
- Tree replacement support for the business district
- "Open streets pilot" - summer event series to activate streets in the business district
Staff will continue to work with the community through summer 2024 to implement the Booster Projects, as well as other plan actions.
Project Map
For the purpose this
plan, we are defining “neighborhood” as the Mixed-Use Center and the surrounding residential neighborhood. These boundaries may be adjusted during the planning process, but it is important to include public amenities (such as parks and schools) that service the core neighborhood.
The Call: Get Involved, Stay Engaged!
As we shift our focus from planning to implementation, there are still many ways for you to be involved! Email us at
Ways to get involved: Track the Proctor Neighborhood Plan and get involved via our online engagement platform
We kicked off the Plan in fall 2022 and finalized the plan in winter 2024. We will continue to work with the community on implementation in 2024 and beyond.
Fall 2022: Neighborhood profile and outreach
Winter: Evaluate existing conditions and propose recommendations
Spring: Plan implementation and identify resources
Summer-Fall 2023: Finalize plan and develop roadmap for implementation
Winter 2024: Council adoption and ongoing implementation
Project Funding
The Neighborhood Planning Program provides funding for technical support consultant team and some prioritized implementation, including $50,000 to support the implementation of the Community Booster Projects. Major projects will be accomplished through partnerships between the City and its partners, as well as additional fundraising.