Application Period Closed May 2023
We are no longer accepting applications for the 2023 Tacoma Climate Leadership Cohort. Thank you for your interest in this program. Please check back for more information on the cohort and future cohort recruitment.

The pilot Tacoma Climate Leadership Cohort
Program Overview
Inspired by community input and the 2030 Tacoma Climate Action Plan, cohort members engage with community organizations, City staff, and elected officials, and take climate action! Made up of frontline community members*, the cohort will learn about local climate change impacts, emissions sources, and solutions through a social justice lens, as well as civic engagement strategies and tools to navigate local public decision-making processes. Civic engagement focuses on advocacy and activism through a social and/or wider political or systemic lens. Civic engagement strategies aim to support particular causes or policies, increase public awareness on issues, protect public values of the community, and more.
Tacoma's Climate Action Plan guides action for healthy, affordable housing; clean, reliable transportation; protections for public health; and green, good paying jobs. The Tacoma Climate Leadership Cohort is an extension of the CAP and is meant to foster relationships, support individual development, and connect community issues, services, and efforts.
*Frontline community members include those that have been historically underrepresented, underserved, or made vulnerable, including to the first and worst climate impacts. Individuals' backgrounds may include:
- Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
- Speak English as a second language
- Living with a low household income
- Ages 16-26
- Living with three or more generations in one home
- Living with more than one family in one home
- Living with a disability
- Immigrant
- Experiencing homelessness
- Completed formal education up to a high school/GED level
- Other
- Introduction to the City of Tacoma
- Tacoma climate change impacts, emissions sources, and solutions
- Sustainable and equitable community transportation
- Housing Justice, including affordability, supply, choice, health, community identity, and climate
- Civic action, including strategies, tools, and planning
- Other
*Subject to change
Participation Requirements
Active participation ensures a meaningful and impactful experience for each individual and the cohort. For that reason, cohort members are held to a strict attendance policy. Prepare for and expect to participate in the full program schedule:
1 Open House to learn more about the program
1 weekend retreat
12-15 hours of participation and trainings
Preparation "homework" between training sessions
1-2 hands-on service activities
1 project demonstrating skills and knowledge learned
1 graduation ceremony
A schedule of activities will be distributed to selected cohort members.
Cohort Member Qualifications & Expectations:
We are looking for cohort members who are willing to:
- Be strongly connected to the Tacoma-Pierce County community
- Prepare for and complete all assignments and activities
- Demonstrate a partnership- and community-building mindset, with examples of leadership and community service or a strong commitment to future service
- Engage respectfully and constructively with others
- Embrace an anti-racist approach to community problem solving
- Be eager to learn about local community issues and civic engagement strategies
- Reflect on and share their own perspectives, purpose, strengths, and growth areas
- Be action-oriented, working to improve our community
- Network with fellow cohort members and community organizations
- Communicate with Tacoma Tree Foundation about any questions about the program
- Accept the idea of “non-closure,” including that learning about complex topics like climate change, social justice, and civic engagement is a lifelong experience and will not be completed in a short training series
- Build new relationships and have fun!
Cost to Participate
While many leadership training programs charge participants hundreds of dollars, the City wishes to prioritize accessibility to participation in this program. Cohort members are responsible to complete all requirements and contribute to their community through the knowledge and training they receive. This program is meant to develop and equip emerging community leaders to serve Tacoma and better the lives of their neighbors by engaging with important community issues and decisions.
To reduce barriers and costs to participate, cohort members are offered a stipend upon completion of their responsibilities.
Staff Contact
Kristin Lynett, klynett@cityoftacoma.org,(253) 591-5571
Lucy Klug, lklug@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 213-2443