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2025 Community Arts Projects Funding


The Community Arts Projects funding program financially supports organizations and groups producing arts-focused community projects that are inclusive, accessible, and/or address equity issues. Projects must take place in Tacoma and can happen anytime between January 1 – December 31, 2025. This funding can be used for artistic presentations, activities, events, workshops, experiences, festivals, performances, or other projects that are accessible to the general public – either in-person and/or virtually. Admission may be charged for these projects, as long as the application demonstrates public benefit. The proposal may be for a one-time project, a number of projects that are closely related, or an annual or ongoing project. Collaborations between organizations and/or artists are encouraged but not required. Groups applying are not required to be a 501(c) non-profit nor are they required to use a fiscal sponsor.


In alignment with Tacoma City Council Resolution 40622, the Tacoma Arts Commission is committed to sustained and transformational anti‐racist work, including through the Community Arts Projects funding program. As stated by Mayor Victoria Woodards, "Dismantling more than 400 years of systemic racism will not happen overnight. This must be a sustained effort that invites the whole community to join us in radically reimagining our institutions and the services they provide."


The Tacoma Arts Commission is striving toward social justice. We are committed to supporting equitable opportunities to broaden artistic expression while encouraging inter-sectional communities through inclusive relationships and outreach. Arts and culture are uniquely positioned to touch every person and every part of Tacoma. We are committed to supporting the entirety of our community.


We invite applicants to consider how their proposed project can help build a more Compassionate Tacoma with projects that are equitable and inclusive, offer opportunities for connection and relationship building, and contribute to the social, emotional, and physical well-being of our community members.


All projects must follow state and local health regulations; applicants should be prepared to adjust projects, as needed, in response to the current public health situation at the time of production.


Funding Priorities

The Tacoma Arts Commission is committed to investing in communities most impacted by racial, social, and economic inequity. This includes emerging and grassroots groups directly serving their communities and collaborations between organizations. The intention of these funding priorities is to foster programming that addresses historic and structural inequities, as we work toward justice for all.

All applications will be reviewed, and funding decisions made, using the Evaluation Criteria. An applicant’s proposed project does not need to meet any of the Funding Priorities listed below to be considered for funding. But, as part of the funding allocation process, the panel will prioritize funding for applicants or projects that meet one or more of the following:

  • Organizations who will use Community Arts Projects funding to fairly compensate artists and collaborators, especially BIPOC artists and collaborators, to create work that is central to the project.
  • Organizations, projects, or strategies that primarily give voice to racial justice and/or social justice
  • Organizations, projects, or strategies that primarily give voice to economically or socio-economically marginalized communities
  • Organizations, projects, or strategies that primarily give voice to LGBTQIA+ communities
  • Organizations, projects, or strategies that primarily give voice to people with disabilities
  • Organizations whose primary intentions, practices, and mission are by, for, and about BIPOC communities 
  • Projects that will address emergent community needs

Virtual Application Workshop (optional)

A virtual application workshop was held on October 9. Applicants are encouraged to watch the recording of the application workshop, which explains and addresses questions about the application and funding process. 


Preliminary Application Feedback Deadline (optional)

October 18, 2024


Application Deadline

October 28, 2024, 11:59 PM


Funding Application Guidelines

Download the 2025 Community Arts Projects application guidelines (PDF) for complete funding information, including eligibility.


Download the 2025 budget sheet. You will need to fill out this budget sheet and attach it to your online application.


Download an example of a completed budget sheet to see how to fill it out.


About the Money

Applicants can apply for a set amount of either $9,000, $6,000, or $3,000 for their project. If the applicant applies for $9,000 or $6,000 of funding but is not selected for funding at the level requested, they have the option of being considered for funding at a lower level. There is no advantage to applying for one level of funding over another. Applicants are encouraged to apply for what they need to successfully complete their project, with the knowledge that funding at any level is not guaranteed.

Funding for Community Arts Projects is based on the availability of funds allocated by the City and is determined through a competitive application process. A panel of community members will review and score each application using the Evaluation Criteria detailed in these guidelines and will make funding recommendations to the Tacoma Arts Commission. The Tacoma Arts Commission will review the panel’s recommendations and make a final determination on which applicants to fund and at what level. Applicants may apply for funding every year, however funding from year to year is not guaranteed. The number of contracts awarded will be based on the availability of funds.

Organizations selected for funding will be required to sign a contract for services, which lays out the amount of funding the organization will receive and the public benefit that the organization will provide. The full amount of funding will not be paid up front. Funding will be broken into several payment phases spread out over the term of the funding contract – typically there is an initial payment after the contract is signed, a mid-project payment, and a final payment. Organizations will receive final payment after all services have been provided and a final report has been submitted. Organizations should be prepared to cover the costs of their project until that time, but the City will work with each awardee to stagger payment phases to lessen financial strain. 

How to Apply

Applications must be submitted through the Community Arts Projects Funding online application form at www.tacomaarts.submittable.com/submit. The Application form will ask for the following items:

  • Basic contact and project information including a brief (40 words or less) overview of your project and its intent
  • Budget Page (Download the budget form, save to your computer, fill out, and attach to your electronic application. To see an example of a completed budget form, click here.) 
  • Narrative Responses (written, video, or audio responses to questions outlined in the 2025 Community Arts Projects application guidelines)
  • Location Confirmation or Plan: Written permission (email or letter) from the property owner to indicate their willingness to host the proposed project. Or, a written explanation of the preferred location along with a clear plan to secure the necessary sites/partnerships should funding be awarded. A letter is not needed if applicant organization is hosting project virtually or at a location they own. 
  • Letter of Commitment: If you are collaborating with any organizations or individuals whose role is central to your project’s success, please provide written confirmation (letter or email) of their commitment to your project.
  • Artistic Work Samples and descriptions 


For assistance, please contact Naomi Strom-Avila at (253) 591-5191 or nstrom-avila@cityoftacoma.org.

Panel Interest Form

What is a Panel?

A panel is a group of individuals pulled together by staff to review applications or nominations for Arts & Cultural Vitality managed programs or opportunities. Panel members use published review criteria to evaluate applications and make recommendations about who gets grant funding, public art projects, roster appointments, etc.

Panelists are selected for a variety of reasons which can include: their connection to community, knowledge of relevant subject matter, and the diversity of perspectives and experiences they bring to the group overall. For each opportunity, we assemble a unique panel of three to nine people to make collective recommendations about which applicants should receive funding or commissions through our office. Those recommendations generally go to the Tacoma Arts Commission or the Tacoma Creates Advisory Board for final approval.

Why be a Panelist?

The Arts & Cultural Vitality Division (ACV) is deeply appreciative of the time and expertise community members invest in serving on panels. Serving on a panel is a proactive way to impact how public funds are spent in Tacoma, and panelists receive valuable professional development as well as insight into how the application review process works from the inside.

ACV provides panelists with free parking and food during meetings, in addition to offering a monetary honorarium.

The length and number of meetings needed for a selection process vary based on the project. Depending on the application, some panels will require a small amount of prep work in advance, one to two hours, and some panels may require extensive reading and evaluation work in advance of the in-person panel meeting, anywhere from 10-50 hours. Community members will be offered a stipend for their service as follows:

  • $50 – quarter day meeting (1 – 2 hours)
  • $100 – half day meeting (3 ‐ 4 hours)
  • $200 – full day meeting (6 – 9 hours)
  • $100 – pre‐meeting work to digitally read and score applications (only when requested)

Members of a City‐appointed commission or board are volunteers and are not eligible to receive a stipend for their service on a panel. City of Tacoma employees and project staff are not eligible to receive a stipend for their service on a panel.

Submit a Panel Interest Form

Please complete the online form to be considered for a position on an upcoming ACV panel: www.surveymonkey.com/r/tacomapanels 


Staff will take into account many factors when putting together panels, and may not be able to use the services of all qualified individuals who submit. If an individual is offered a position on a panel but is unable to participate because of scheduling or conflict of interest, ACV will continue to consider them for future panels. Panel Interest Forms will be saved and reviewed periodically for up to three years from the submission date.


If you have questions, please contact Naomi Strom-Avila at nstrom-avila@cityoftacoma.org or (253) 591-5191.
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Naomi Strom-Avila

(253) 591-5191

