• City of Tacoma QA
  • City of Tacoma OpenData


An Update for Our Valued Members and Retirees

Please be informed that the TERS office will now require a scheduled appointment for in-person meetings.


We kindly request you to schedule your appointments in advance by contacting our Retirement Specialist either by phone or email provided below. Meetings can be completed either by scheduled in-person appointments, by phone, Teams or Zoom for your convenience. 


TERS members should contact us at (253) 502-8200 or by email at TERSretirement@cityoftacoma.org


LEOFF1 members should call (253) 502-8700 for any inquiries.




Upcoming Changes to TERS Retirement Calculations-

The Tacoma Employees’ Retirement System (TERS) has recently updated actuarial and option factors, effective January 1, 2026. Updated Annuity and Option Flyer 


For more information or help with TERS’ online retirement calculator, email TERSretirement@cityoftacoma.org, or call (253) 502-8200.


Notice of Public Records Request- 

The City’s Tacoma Employees’ Retirement System has received a public records request for a list of full names and monthly payment amounts to each retiree (current monthly payout amount). Under state law (RCW 42.56, the Public Records Act), the City is obligated to produce public records in response to such requests. There are certain cases in which exemptions apply and certain documents can be withheld or redacted. However, the City is not aware of any applicable statute that would exempt any portion of these documents from disclosure. Therefore, it is our intent to provide these records. Thank you.
