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Urban Design Program

The Urban Design Project Review package was approved by the Tacoma City Council on Tuesday, May 7 (Ordinance No 28966). The Planning and Development Services Department will create a new land use permit process that incorporates the consideration of a project’s relationship with the urban environment, the public realm, connectivity, climate responsiveness, and other urban design concerns.


The Urban Design Project Review program requirements will go into effect January 1, 2025. Through the remainder of 2024, staff will be preparing the program’s launch, including stakeholder outreach and recruitment of the new Urban Design Board.


The Urban Design Studio is a long-term program with a focus on delivering urban design services to customers in the Planning and Development Services Department, to other City departments, and through external public and private partnerships. The initial phase of this project was focused on the development of a design review program known as Urban Design Project Review. This effort included development of design guidelines, new and revised design standards, municipal code amendments and administrative procedures.


Urban Design Project Review - Overview

The Urban Design Project Review package adopted by the City Council includes the following:


  • Permits will be required for larger developments located within any of the City’s 16 designated Mixed-Use Centers (see map below).
  • The largest developments will be subject to the highest level of review (through a new, Council-appointed Urban Design Board) while smaller projects will receive administrative review.
  • Building size thresholds within Neighborhood Centers are lower than those of the other Mixed-Use Centers (Downtown, Tacoma Mall and Crossroads Centers).
  • All levels of review will include public notice and opportunities for comment. Board-level reviews will include one public meeting at the Concept Design stage.
  • NOTE: The areas where this Urban Design Project Review will be required are not those subject to the changes being made with the Home in Tacoma project.


Urban Design Project Review Applicability Map



Public Review Timeline and Current Status


Completed Reviews:


  • May 7, 2024: Regular Meeting - Final reading of ordinance. Proposal adopted.
  • April 30, 2024: Regular Meeting - First reading of ordinance.

  • April 30, 2024: Study Session - City Council reviewed comments received at the Public Hearing.

  • April 23, 2024: The City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed creation of the Urban Design Project Review permit proposal and associated amendments to Title 13 of the Tacoma Municipal Code. Notice of the Council’s Public Hearing was distributed by US Mail to all property owners and occupants in the applicable locations (see applicability map above) in advance of the Public Hearing.

  • February 28, 2024: The Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability (IPS) Committee of the City Council voted to recommend the Urban Design Project Review proposal to the full City Council for a Public Hearing and consideration. The Committee did not make any changes to the Planning Commission’s recommendation.
  • October 18, 2023: The Planning Commission voted to recommend the Urban Design Project Review proposal to the City Council.

All previous meetings, including City Council Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability Committee and Planning Commission public review meetings, are outlined under the Past Meetings section below.



Urban Design Project Review - More Package Details

The City’s Urban Design Studio team is excited for the launch the Urban Design Project Review Program. Similar to many other communities’ programs, Urban Design Project Review in Tacoma sets standards and a process to guide the design quality of the city’s landscape and buildings. The incorporation of “urban design” in the program’s title emphasizes the scope and scale of the program’s priorities, and differentiate it from a design review program that is focused primarily on building architecture. The goal is to support a built city that is welcoming to all community members and visitors, enhancing our lived experience throughout Tacoma. 


Throughout the One Tacoma Comprehensive Plan and Tacoma 2025 Strategic Plan documents, the policy guidance points to design review as an opportunity to create unique places, promote innovation and quality, and imbue public space with features and amenities that promote the health and wellbeing of residents and visitors.


Before the adoption of the Urban Design Project Review program, the City only regulated the design of new projects through prescriptive Code standards with building permits and without qualitative review. These requirements vary by zoning and building type, but were fairly inflexible and did not always reflect the best approach to urban design challenges or support creativity. Now, the Urban Design Project Review program will provide an opportunity to find the best way a development project can achieve community urban design goals given its unique context. This includes how required standards are applied, as well as exploring thoughtful, more creative solutions.


The Urban Design Project Review package included:

  • Creation of a new Urban Design Project Review permit process focused on medium- to large-scale projects in Downtown and Mixed-Use Center (see map and description below for more info)
  • Creation of a City-Council appointed Urban Design Board, with a mix of professional experience, community interests related to urban design, and geographic diversity, to assist in review of the largest, most significant projects
  • Creation of an Urban Design Project Review Manual to provide clear and objective design guidance for new projects
  • Modifications to some of the existing Code standards (see further description below).


Amend Existing Design Code Standards

The Urban Design Project Review package amended certain development and design standards within Mixed Use districts and the Downtown Zoning District to improve effectiveness and ensure integration with the new design review process requirements. This includes:

  •  Maximum setbacks: Establish maximum setbacks for residential development within Mixed Use Center (X) districts and establish maximum setbacks for all Downtown districts. 
  •  Residential yard space requirements: Revise yard space requirements overall and amend exception/reduction qualifications. 
  •  Mixed Use District building standards: Reorganize existing standards to better align with Urban Design program priorities and revise standards to improve efficacy. New provisions include residential transition standards.
  •  Downtown District Building Standards: Reorganize existing standards to better align with Urban Design program priorities and revise standards to improve efficacy. New provisions include residential transition standards, mass reduction standards for certain developments, and transparency standards.

These code amendments will go into effect June 6, 2024.


Supporting Documents

Note: City Council did not make any amendments to the Council's Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability (IPS) Committee recommendation.


Want more info?

Urban Design Studio staff welcome invitations from community groups who are interested in hosting a virtual conversation on the Urban Design Project Review program.


Sign up to receive project updates or email comments and questions to: designreview@cityoftacoma.org



Frequently Asked Questions


What's changing? How is this different from before?

A: If adopted, the Urban Design Project Review (UDPR) would be a new land use permit review process that would be required of some types of developments located in one of the City’s 16 designated Mixed-Use Centers (see map above). UDPR would be required if the proposed development project is greater in size than the size threshold for that Mixed-Use Center.


Currently, if a proposed development conforms to zoning requirements, a development of any size may be built with only a construction permit review and an environmental (SEPA) review, unless it is exempt. The UDPR creates a new public land use permit review process in addition to SEPA review.

What kinds of projects would go be subject to Urban Design Project Review, and which projects would not get UDPR review?

A: The Urban Design Project Review (UDPR) would be required of developments located in a designated Mixed-Use Center if the proposed building size is greater than the size threshold for that Mixed-Use Center.

  •  The minimum size threshold for Neighborhood Centers is 10,000 sq. ft.
  •  The minimum size threshold for Mixed-Use Centers (Crossroads Centers, Tacoma Mall, and Downtown) is 20,000 sq. ft.

UDPR permits would not be required of projects that are smaller than the thresholds and would continue to be subject only to prescriptive development and design standards as part of the existing construction permit review process.

Which areas of Tacoma would include Urban Design Project Review as a requirement for some projects?

A: Urban Design Project Review (UDPR) permit program will only apply to areas within 16 designated Mixed-Use Centers. These are only the Neighborhood Centers, Crossroads Centers, Tacoma Mall Regional Growth Area, and the Downtown Regional Growth Area designated by the City’s 10-Year Comprehensive Plan, all shown on the map above.


All other areas of the City, including those affected by the Home in Tacoma project currently under consideration are not subject to UDPR provisions.

How will the new process improve outcomes?

A: The City currently regulates the design of new projects through prescriptive Code standards with building permits and without qualitative review. These requirements vary by zoning and building type, but they can be fairly inflexible and do not always reflect the best approach to urban design challenges or support creativity.


The proposed UDPR provides an opportunity to find the best way a development project can achieve community urban design goals given its unique context. This includes how required standards are applied, as well as exploring thoughtful, more creative solutions. UDPR intends to improve the function, fit, and integration of new developments with the existing and planned urban context, as well as natural features surrounding them.

Will Urban Design Project Review (UDPR) permits replace or exempt project-level SEPA (State Environmental Policy Act) permit review?

No. The UDPR review has no effect on the applicability or requirements of SEPA permit review at the project level. UDPR permit processes are conducted separate from and parallel to any SEPA permit review, when applicable.

Would projects subject to Urban Design Project Review also be subject to SEPA review?

A: Yes. If a SEPA permit review is required for a particular project, staff expect it would occur after the Concept Design UDPR review step, but before the Final Design review steps, and also prior to any construction permit reviews.

Is the Urban Design Project Review project part of Home In Tacoma?

While both the Urban Design Project Review program and Home In Tacoma projects relate to the design of buildings and our urban environment, the Urban Design Project Review program project is focused on larger projects located in areas planned to experience the greatest amount of future development and growth such as the Downtown and Mixed Use Centers whereas Home In Tacoma will address smaller scale residential design throughout the City.


The Urban Design Project Review program has an expected program launch of early 2024 and the Home In Tacoma project is expected to run through at least late-2023.


Again, the Urban Design Project Review project DOES NOT address small scale residential design or most of the Missing Middle type of housing. The Home In Tacoma Project is considering these types of new residential standards as part of that project’s phase 2. More information about that project, including ways to participate, can be found here.

Why is Urban Design Important?

Urban Design influences how people experience cities and how people function in them.  Streets, plazas, parks and the buildings that frame them make up our environment. Urban design focusses how all these parts of the city work together to improve how and where we live, get around, work and recreate. Good urban design also connects us to the natural systems we all depend on.

Who makes Urban Design happen?

High quality urban design is the result of many decisions, forces and factors. Design Review is one way the City can ensure the cumulative effect of individual developments contribute to good urban design. With a Design Review process, the City can consider how development supports our Comprehensive Plan goals, community identity and creates distinctive sense of place and belonging that is responsive to local culture, values, and context.

What is Urban Design Project Review?

Urban Design Project Review is a process that works to improve the function, fit, and integration of new developments with the existing urban context and natural features surrounding them. The City uses this process to approve projects of certain types in designated areas. Using this process, proposed projects are evaluated for consistency with the City’s design objectives. Those design objectives can be met by building in accordance with either prescriptive standards or more flexible guidelines.

What does the City regulate around design?

The City’s Land Use Regulatory Code currently has regulations related to design. Generally, these Design Standards affect how sites are developed and how buildings look. Design Standards regulate aspects such as where parking can be located or how a proposed building orients toward the street.


While Design Standards can do a good job of prescribing measurable minimums and preventing poor design outcomes, they are inherently limited by their one-size-fits-all approach and cannot easily account for context or unique site complexities. Design Review on the other hand establishes a set of design guidelines and objectives, which can accommodate a variety of alternative approaches to meet these objectives.


There are many other City regulations that also affect design, even if they are not specifically listed as design requirements. For example, the City’s current rules about requiring a certain number of parking spaces with a new building create many other design results. This may include whether trees are retained on a site, how difficult it is to walk to from a bus stop to the front door, and even how much the pavement heats up the neighborhood in the summertime.

Does Urban Design Project Review regulate building height and zoning?

 No, other standards, regulates things like a building’s use or height or the required amount of parking. The City’s Land Use Regulatory Code has many complex regulations about design. These are separate from building codes that are focused on safety, fire protection, and so forth. Design standards in the City’s Land Use Regulatory Code include details like maximum building heights, required placement of buildings on parcels, required yard space, bicycle parking, and how much of the front of a building with shopfronts along a street must have windows--the list is very long.

What is the plan for Tacoma's Urban Design Project Review Program?

We have established a timeline now through the end of 2023 to finalize and review the program features and tools. This includes work to organize an Urban Design Board, and complete the Urban Design Guidelines and Design Standards (both new and revised). 

We will be meeting with our Technical Advisory Committee and Project Advisory Group and work with the Planning Commission to draft proposed recommendations for Tacoma City Council Consideration.

Public engagement will include presentations to community groups and public comment to the Planning Commission and City Council as they review the proposal package.

What is the Design Review Project Advisory Group?

In response to Planning Commission direction, the City nominated a slate of community members with relevant professional expertise and diverse perspectives as the Project Advisory Group (PAG) in 2019 to work through the development of much of the detailed guidance material and procedures proposed for the Design Review Program. Reconvened in February 2022, after a one-year hiatus, additional PAG members now represent affordable housing and multi-unit development interests as stakeholders. The PAG is scheduled to continue working with staff and consultants through the Spring Quarter of 2022, at which time a proposal will be forwarded to the Planning Commission for consideration and public review.


Additional Project Information 


Past Meetings

Public Review

City Council Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability Committee Review

On January 24, 2024, the City Council's IPS Committee briefing included the Planning Commission’s Recommendation and included remarks from Project Advisory Group members representing the affordable housing development and architecture community, and the Planning Commission. Video of the full January 24, 2024 briefing can be viewed here.

On February 28, 2024, the Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability (IPS) Committee of the City Council voted to recommend the Urban Design Project Review proposal to the full City Council for a Public Hearing and consideration. The Committee did not make changes to the Planning Commission’s recommendation (see documents below).The IPS Chair’s Letter of Recommendation is available here.

Planning Commission Recommendation

The Planning Commission recommended City Council consider the Urban Design Project Review package, as revised, on October 18, 2023.

The Planning Commission’s Final Recommendation package consists of the following documents. These documents reflect the Commission’s consideration of the testimony provided during the public hearing process, subsequent deliberation, and the final October 18, 2023, recommendation.

Planning Commission Public Hearing


Project Development

Planning Commission

(For agendas and other materials, visit cityoftacoma.org/PlanningCommissionAgendas.)

October 18, 2023 - Recommendation

September 20, 2023 - Public Hearing Debrief

August 16, 2023 - Public Hearing

July 19, 2023 - Release for Public Review

June 7, 2023 

March 15, 2023

January 18, 2023

December 7, 2022

October 19, 2022

September 21, 2022, 5 PM - PC/PAG Workshop 

July 6, 2022

May 18, 2022

April 6, 2022 

March 2, 2022

March 4, 2020

September 18, 2019 


City Council

(For agendas and other materials, visit cityoftacoma.legistar.com.)

Infrastructure, Planning & Sustainability (IPS) Committee

January 22, 2023

June 8, 2022

May 11, 2022 – rescheduled to June 8, 2022



Project Advisory Group 

August 31, 2023 

February 02, 2023 

November 03, 2022

September 21, 2022 - PC/PAG Workshop

August 11, 2022 

July 21, 2022

July 07, 2022

June 30, 2022

May 19, 2022

May 5, 2022 

April 21, 2022 (cancelled)

April 7, 2022 

March 17, 2022

March 3, 2022

February 17, 2022

April 2, 2020

March 31, 2020

February 18, 2020

September 17, 2019  

August 6, 2019 


Other Groups & Organizations

Tacoma Permit Advisory Group

October 18, 2023* 

*At this meeting, a Design Review Subcommittee was tasked to work with staff on a range of implementation issues. 

September 20, 2023 

August 16, 2023 

June 15, 2022

May 5, 2022

April 20, 2022


Sustainable Tacoma Commission

June 16, 2022


Neighborhood Councils


Community Council of Tacoma (CCOT)

April 28, 2022


North End Neighborhood Council

March 7, 2022 

September 9, 2019 


Northeast Neighborhood Council

August 8, 2019 


South End Neighborhood Council

September 16, 2019


Background & Project Development


Design review with a set of design standards or guidelines has proven to be an effective community development tool.  The City of Tacoma understands the role of design review in community building: throughout the One Tacoma Plan and Tacoma 2025, policy guidance highlights design review as opportunity to create unique places, promote innovation and quality, and imbue public space with features and amenities that promote the health and vitality of residents and visitors.


In 2016, the City contracted with Makers Architecture and Urban Design to examine a number of “design review” options that Tacoma could undertake. The analysis is based on Tacoma’s current regulatory framework, recent development trends, comments from stakeholders (including staff, public officials, architects and others from the development industry, and other community members), and a review of other communities’ design review programs.


This Design Review Analysis Manual is organized into six sections to consider and discuss fundamental questions that must be considered in establishing a design review process:

  1. Design guidelines content, organization and format;
  2. Applicability: What projects must undergo design review;
  3. Project review responsibilities: Who conducts the design review for different types of projects;
  4. Public involvement: Opportunities for citizen review and input;
  5. Design Review Board (DRB) review process and procedures (if a DRB is established);
  6. Design review program administration costs. 

Review the full Design Review Analysis Manual for the report and background information.


Project Development


Project Advisory Group

The Design Review Project Advisory Group was chartered by the Planning Commission in 2019 and reconvened in early 2022 with new Urban Design Studio staff.  The PAG was the primary source of stakeholder co-creation in the development of the preliminary draft Urban Design Project Review proposal. Group participation included those representing design professionals, community nonprofits, and affordable housing and for-profit developers.


Urban Design Open House and Survey 

Thanks to everyone who took the time to respond to the Urban Design Review survey that was done August-September 2022. The feedback received was instrumental in the development of the draft project proposal.



The Infrastructure, Planning, and Sustainability (IPS) Committee of the City Council voted to recommend the Urban Design Project Review proposal to the full City Council for a Public Hearing and consideration on February 28, 2024. The Committee did not make any changes to the Planning Commission’s recommendation.


The City Council conducted a public hearing on the proposed creation of the Urban Design Project Review permit proposal and associated amendments to Title 13 of the Tacoma Municipal Code on April 23, 2024. The first and final readings of the adopting ordinance took place on April 30th and May 7th, respectively.



Over the year, City staff worked with the Project Advisory Group (PAG), with periodic guidance from Planning Commission, and the City Council Infrastructure, Planning and Sustainability Committee, to develop the draft Urban Design Project Review program proposal.


The program proposal includes Urban Design Project Review requirements and procedures, program administration, and the establishment of an Urban Design Board. The proposal package also includes a series of Code amendments to development and design standards for Mixed Use Centers and Downtown districts.


The Planning Commission recommended the proposal to City Council on October 18, 2023.



The Urban Design Studio staff re-established relationships on Design Review with a Project Advisory Group, Planning Commission and City Council. Work continued with input from diverse city staff perspectives to refine and complete the draft design guidance documents, including an emphasis on addressing the City’s adopted Climate Adaptation Strategy.



Staff worked briefly with Consultant and Project Advisory Group to further develop draft design guidance documents in the first part of the year. Planning Commission and Infrastructure Planning and Sustainability Committee of the City Council reviewed progress on incomplete, draft guidance documents.  Project went on hold with loss of initial staff. In late 2021, new lead staff came on board. 



Project team worked with advisory groups (Project Advisory Group, TAC, Planning Commission), resulting in an Interim Summary Report (available for review below in the documents section). It provides the findings from Phase I of the program development and the background information that informed the remaining development through to implementation. 



Consultants were brought on to develop a work plan and initiate the program development. Staff worked with stakeholder committees and conducted public outreach in the summer and fall. 



Staff was hired to bring additional expertise to the project.



Project budget was approved by the City Council.



The Design Review Analysis Manual was completed to identify the key components and options for a design review program.



UDS Logo

Staff Contacts

Stephen Antupit - Senior Planner

(253) 381-5195



Carl Metz - Senior Planner 

(253) 290-3946



Urban Design Studio email
