What will the levy pay for?
It will provide approximately $8M per year to address facilities, $3.15M per year to address apparatus needs, and $2.5M per year to replace essential equipment. This funding will allow the department to deploy additional first-response units to reduce ever-increasing response times and provide stable funding for existing staff and department operating expenses.

Facilities will be addressed in three priority groups.

What will happen if I vote no?
Our response times will take longer, and the condition of our apparatus, stations, and essential equipment will continue to deteriorate.

Is anyone exempt from the levy?
Qualifying seniors, veterans, and others would be exempt, per RCW 84.36.381.
How much will it cost me?
If this levy is approved, the average Tacoma homeowner (with a house valued at approximately $450,000) will pay $25 more per month.
Levy details:
- This is an increase to the regular property tax levy by $0.65 per $1,000 to a maximum rate of $2.52 per $1,000 of assessed value for collection in 2025;
- Authorizes a limit factor of up to 6% for 2026-2030 for the additional rate, not to exceed $0.65 per $1,000;
- Authorizes the 2030 levy amount to be used as the basis for calculating future levies.
Is homelessness the reason for the increase in call volume?
- Many factors contribute to the utilization of fire department emergency response resources.
- The population in Tacoma has increased and continues to grow. More residents typically result in more calls to 911.
- The increasing lack of access to healthcare and mental health resources in the community results in some people using 911 as their primary healthcare provider for those desperately needed services.
- Those experiencing homelessness also have many of the same health conditions as their housed counterparts, but in extreme conditions and with fewer resources, resulting in heavy reliance upon emergency services.
How to Vote
Interim Fire Chief Sionna Stallings-Ala'ilima welcomes your questions at (253) 591-5774 or email tfdfirelevy@cityoftacoma.org.