Senior Services in Tacoma
The City of Tacoma is partnering with Parks Tacoma (formerly Metro Parks Tacoma) to combine senior services, programs, and activities. Our shared goal is to offer more community members more services and program variety at more locations.
Partnership will expand the reach of senior services in Tacoma to more places (four locations vs. two locations) at facilities that are more easily accessible using public transportation options.
In 2025, primary services will be offered at Senior Hubs including lunches and drop-in spaces offering community and social engagement in addition to formal activities and programming.
The two locations with Senior Hubs are:
- People’s Community Center (1602 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, 98405) (253) 404-3915 Google Maps
- Eastside Community Center (1721 East 56th Street, 98404) (253) 404-3990 Google Maps
Senior services will also be available at:
- STAR Center (3873 South 66th Street, 98409) (253) 404-3939 Google Maps
- Center at Norpoint (4818 Nassau Avenue Northeast, 98422) (253) 404-3900 Google Maps
Tacoma residents who are 50 years of age or older are eligible to participate in programming at the centers. Please visit  Parks Tacoma for general information and for 50+ activities Contact any community center directly for more information.
Brotherhood RISE Center is providing transportation services for seniors to and from Senior Hubs, located at People’s Community Center and Eastside Community Center. Seniors must live within City limits and be able to get in and out of the van independently. If you are a senior in need of transportation, please call (253) 331-5146 before 3 PM the day before to schedule your pickup. 
Lunches are Available at Both Senior Hubs
Lunches are available to Tacoma seniors (age 60 years and older) Monday through Friday on a first come-first serve basis, from noon to 12:30 PM. 
Food is provided by Catholic Community Services through a grant from the Older Americans Act. The Older Americans Act sets the policy on the cost of meals, eligibility, and menu guidelines. Eligible seniors are encouraged to donate up to $3 per day for meals; however, no senior will be denied a meal due to inability to donate.
People’s Community Center
1602 Martin Luther King Jr. Way, Tacoma, WA 98405
People’s Community Center is on the corner of Martin Luther King Jr. Way and S 17th St, two blocks north of S 19th St and 5 blocks west of Tacoma Ave S. Google Maps
Eastside Community Center
1721 East 56th Street, Tacoma, WA 98404
Eastside Community Center is on the corner of E 56th Street and Portland Ave E. 7 blocks east of McKinley. Google Maps
Inclement Weather
To check for closures or late starts at Parks Tacoma community center, call (253) 305-1002.
Additional Senior Resources
For additional resources for seniors, please email or call the Pierce County Aging and Disability Resource Center at (253) 798-4600 or (800) 562-0332.
Senior Transportation to/from Activity Centers
(253) 331-5146
Call before 3 PM the day before to schedule your pickup.
City Contact Information
Sarah Bridgeford
Community Wellness Program Manager
(253) 500-4253
Hayley Saucedo 
Community Resources Analyst, Senior
(253) 591-5155