• City of Tacoma QA
  • City of Tacoma OpenData

Council Chambers Improvement Project

Council Chambers Improvement Project

The work to modernize Council Chambers, an important hub supporting the City of Tacoma’s ongoing efforts to better serve residents, businesses, and community partners, is complete.

Starting July 9, the City Council’s noon study sessions and 5 PM meetings will once again take place on Tuesdays as scheduled in Council Chambers (Tacoma Municipal Building, 747 Market St., 1st Floor).


The project installed a conference table in front of the dais to facilitate face-to-face conversations between City leaders and those who join them for study sessions and regular meetings. While this update will require the removal of the first two rows of chairs, the City hopes to deepen its conversations and allow the Council and other groups who use the space to conduct business more effectively by providing an option to bring everyone to the table.  


Renovations also include new camera and telecommunications equipment that will improve the experience for viewers watching the TV Tacoma broadcast of Council meetings and the online live streaming.

Visit cityoftacoma.org/councilmeetings to view upcoming agendas.


These meetings will continue to be conducted in a hybrid format, with virtual and in-person options to attend. The meetings can also be viewed live on TV Tacoma, or tvtacoma.com, and on Facebook Live, at facebook.com/cityoftacoma.


Study Session can be attended remotely by dialing 253-215-8782 or through Zoom at www.zoom.us/j/89496171192, and entering the meeting ID 894 9617 1192, and passcode 896569 when prompted. 


Council meetings can be attended remotely by dialing 253-215-8782 or through Zoom at www.zoom.us/j/84834233126, and entering the meeting ID 848 3423 3126, and passcode 349099 when prompted. 


City Council meeting agendas, access details and archived recordings are available at cityoftacoma.legistar.com.
