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Project Overview
The Manitou Green Infrastructure Project is a utility and road replacement project that will replace existing stormwater, wastewater and potable water pipes due to their age and deterioration. In addition to utility replacement, full roadway reconstruction, including the installation of ADA compliant curb ramps where sidewalk exists currently, will be completed as part of this project. Figure 1-1 highlights in red the approximate extent of the project.

Figure 1‑1: Project Vicinity Map
The 2010 Puget Sound Watershed Characterization report identified the installation of low impact development (LID) techniques as a desired method for reducing the transport of pollutants generated by urban runoff towards aquatic areas. In partnership with the Department of Ecology (DOE) this project will install a portion of these reconstructed streets as permeable asphalt surfaces which will provide a water quality and flow control benefit to the Flett Creek Watershed. Figure 1-2 is a zoomed in view depicting in light blue the streets within the project that will be replaced with permeable pavement.

Figure 1‑2: Permeable Paving Extent
During construction the following impacts are expected:
- Local access to driveways will be provided but minor delays and short duration roadway closures may occur.
- Construction vehicles and equipment may cause noise, vibrations, and dust.
- Pedestrian travel routes may be detoured where sidewalks or walking paths are impacted.
If you are considering developing your property or need to upgrade your existing private service lines (such as water, gas, or side sewer), within the next five years, you may want to consider having this work completed prior to completion of this project. Doing so could reduce the cost of your pavement restoration and prevent cutting into newly paved streets and driveways.
Project Schedule
Advertised - November 2022
Awarded - January 2023
Notice to Proceed - March 2023
Construction Start - May 2023
Construction End - January 2024
Contact Information
City of Tacoma Environmental Services