Traffic Calming
Neighborhood Traffic Calming can help promote safer transportation conditions on Tacoma’s neighborhood streets. The Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program (NTCP) has been established to receive and respond to resident’s questions and concerns regarding reducing vehicle speeds and/or cut-through volumes on non-arterial neighborhood streets. With limited annual funds and many requests and potential locations within the purview of the program, not all requests will result in mitigative actions. Instead, the program will rely on a transparent process developed to prioritize locations and to focus program-related efforts.
Traffic Calming Program Project Implementation Process

T, and the importance of partnering with other City’s programs to make the best use of the program funds. The scopes of identified projects will be driven by the program’s scoring process but ultimately determined by engineering judgement and efforts to achieve the best traffic calming result and will not necessarily be limited to the originally requested locations.
Same concerns can also be present on the City’s arterial streets. Strategies for traffic calming on arterials are generally more expensive than neighborhood traffic calming tools. These solutions require larger scale planning, funding, and engineering and are referred to separate City programs or processes like the Capital Improvement Program or an external transportation grant program to receive proper scoping and resourcing to achieve the best possible results. Arterial projects are prioritized based on safety, equity, and connectivity and availability of funding. For information on upcoming capital projects, visit