• City of Tacoma QA
  • City of Tacoma OpenData

Affordable Housing Provider Loans

About the Program

If you develop affordable permanent or rental housing for lower income individuals and families, your organization may qualify for U.S. Department of Housing and Urban development (HUD) funds provided in the form of low-interest loans to help you with the purchase, rehabilitation or construction of affordable housing within the City of Tacoma.

The use of these funds in a project will require long-term affordability and income and rent restrictions apply to the units supported with federal funds.

In addition, the use of these funds will require long-term monitoring of the units and project as a whole by City staff.

At a minimum, an Annual Report will be required, along with on-going housing quality inspection.

Information on the City's funding priorities and federal regulations accompanying the use of these funds is provided below for your information.


Informational Documents

Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Program

Affordable Housing Action Strategy

HUD Relocation Notice to Seller Guideform

HUD Relocation Move In Notice Guideform

HUD Relocation Assistance Plan Guideform

HUD Relocation Eligibility Guideform

Income Policy

