Traffic Safety Alert!
There have been reports of drivers traveling in lanes in the wrong direction on Taylor Way and then swerving into the work zone to avoid collisions. This dangerous behavior could cause a serious head-on collision, which increases the risk of injury to work crew members, as well as damage to equipment and vehicles.
Businesses operating in the area are asked to direct employees, vendors, truck drivers, and visitors to abide by the posted signs, traffic cones, and detour routes, as well as, drive defensively to avoid these wrong-way drivers. Tacoma police activity will increase in the construction area to help.
Project Updates
5/17/22 – Taylor Way will be closed in both directions between SR 509 and Lincoln Avenue for roadway striping from 12:01 AM Saturday, May 21, to 11:59 AM Sunday, May 22. Please follow the DETOUR, via the Hylebos Bridge, to access E. 11th Street/Taylor Way. Should weather impact the work, or should the work take longer than expected, this closure will be rescheduled. Watch this website for further notifications.
Construction Has Started--Please Watch for Workers in the Roadway of the Taylor Way Vicinity
Construction began the week of July 7, 2020 and is primarily focused on Taylor Way from E. 11th Street to SR 509. The work will generally include demolition, utility placement, rail crossing replacement and paving.
Please watch for website updates addressing additional road closure/detour route information.
Project News
Virtual Pre-Construction Open House was held on May 27, 2020, watch the recorded event here.
To send questions or for more information on the project, contact Project Manager Mark D'Andrea at or (253) 591-5518.
Project Schedule
- July 2020 – Construction Begins
- September 2021 - Work Generally Complete (weather dependent)
- September - November 2021 - Final Finishes/Punch List Items
Getting Around During Construction
To minimize impacts to the traveling public, construction that will reduce lanes on Taylor Way (to less than one lane in each direction) and on SR 509 (to less than two lanes in each direction) will occur at night and/or on weekends. This generally involves major paving operations, but could include occur other tasks such as utility installation, roadway striping, etc.
Project Outreach
Outreach is ongoing and has included two open houses (August 24, 2018 and May 27, 2020), meetings with both the New Tacoma and Northeast Tacoma Neighborhood Councils, one-on-one property owner/business operator meetings, discussions with other local and regional stakeholders, and coordination with Police, Fire, school districts and transit. Open house notifications were provided through postcard mailings, social media, City and Project web pages, and advertising in The News Tribune and Tacoma Weekly. Website updates will be made during construction to provide information on upcoming work.
Where is the Taylor Way Rehabilitation Project?
View a larger version of the project map
What is the Project?
Taylor Way is an important arterial serving the Port of Tacoma Manufacturing Industrial Center, it is the main corridor on the Blair-Hylebos Peninsula, an essential emergency access route, and a vital freight corridor for the Port carrying between 4 million tons and 10 million tons of freight every year.
The Taylor Way pavement wasn't designed to carry these heavy truck loads. Truck and rail conflicts are common along the route, including 12 at-grade rail crossings between SR 509 and E. 12th Street.
Although there is sidewalk between E. 11th Street and Lincoln Avenue, there are no pedestrian facilities along Taylor Way between Lincoln Avenue and SR 509.
The SR 509/Taylor Way intersection is operating over capacity and delaying traffic on adjacent corridors. The intersection, as it currently operates, is the second worst ranked bottleneck for freight movement in WSDOT’s Olympic Region (Pierce, Thurston, Mason, Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Kitsap and Clallam Counties).
What are the Project Needs and Proposed Improvements?
Failing Pavement - Taylor Way was not built to handle the heavy truck loads. Over 40% of daily traffic on Taylor Way are trucks moving freight to/from the Port of Tacoma.
Proposed Improvement
- Rebuild Taylor Way as a concrete road from the Tacoma/Fife city limits (east of SR 509) to E. 11th Street. Concrete pavement will last much longer than asphalt with the heavy truck traffic.
Congestion at the SR 509/Taylor Way Intersection – delays at this intersection impact regional traffic between I-5 and SR 509, as well as destinations within the Port, including along the Blair-Hylebos Peninsula.
Proposed Improvement
- Add second left turn lanes to SR 509 (both southbound and northbound).
- Lengthen second thru lane and right-turn lane for westbound Taylor Way at SR 509.
- Extend the length of the turn pockets on SR 509 and on Taylor Way.
Lack of Pedestrian Facilities – currently there is sidewalk on the west side of Taylor Way between E. 11th Street and Lincoln Avenue, but there is no sidewalk along Taylor Way between Lincoln Avenue and SR 509. Pedestrians are forced to walk in the roadway or along a narrow dirt path adjacent to the curb.
Proposed Improvement
- Add a ten-foot wide sidewalk on the west side of Taylor Way between Lincoln Avenue and SR 509.
- Build new energy-efficient LED street lighting.
- Upgrade curb ramps at intersections and pedestrian push buttons at traffic signals.
Response Time for Emergency Services/Freight Delays –Taylor Way is the “last mile” between I-5 and the Blair-Hylebos Peninsula, which includes major marine terminals and freight distributors. This takes on more importance with the closure of Alexander Avenue north of SR 509 and when the Hylebos Bridge is raised to pass marine vehicles. Taylor Way is also critical in providing emergency services to the Blair-Hylebos peninsula.
Proposed Improvement
- Reduce truck/rail conflicts by removing up to four of the 11 at-grade rail crossings, and by upgrading the remaining crossings to make the driving surface smoother so freight can maintain normal speeds while traversing the corridor.
- Interconnect traffic signals for improved traffic flow.
- Add closed circuit TV cameras to monitor traffic/freight movement and quickly respond to incidents.
- Add LED signs/VMS boards providing messaging to freight/emergency response vehicles.
- Add emergency vehicle pre-emption at traffic signals.
How is the Project Funded?
- Total Project Funding is $24 Million
- Funding Partners:
- City of Tacoma
- Puget Sound Regional Council
- Freight Mobility strategic Investment Board
- Other Local Contributions
When will the Project Be Built?

Interested Groups
The City is communicating with the following groups to provide updates and gather input:
Port of Tacoma
Puyallup Tribe of Indians
City of Fife
Longshoreman’s Local Union 23
Northwest Seaport Alliance
Tacoma Rail
Tacoma Transportation Commission
Tacoma Bicycle Pedestrian Technical Advisory Group
Tote Maritime
Carlile Transportation
Northeast and New Tacoma Neighborhood Councils
Other Construction in the Area
Use the following links to learn about other construction projects in the area.
Related Environmental Documents
Pre-Bid Construction Meeting
Contact Information
Please contact Mark D'Andrea, Project Manager, with any questions you have about the project at (253) 591-5518 or by email.