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Community Invited to Cushman and Adams Substations Workshops on October 21 and 26

Community Invited to Cushman and Adams Substations Workshops on October 21 and 26


October 7, 2024


Maria Lee, Media & Communications, maria.lee@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-2054  


Community Invited to Cushman and Adams Substations Workshops on October 21 and 26

-- Events Will Present Potential Site Development and Property Use Scenarios  --


TACOMA, Wash. – Community members are invited to engage in the next phase of the Cushman and Adams substations future use planning efforts, as potential development and property use scenarios are presented at workshops on October 21 and 26. These scenarios incorporate the community ideas and feedback from earlier visioning workshops as well as more than 600 responses to the Visioning Survey, and are also reflective of Citywide goals and policies.


October 21


University of Washington Tacoma, Milgard 110, 1900 Commerce Street


Two identical sessions available:


4:30 - 6 PM

6:30 - 8 PM


October 26


Tacoma Public Library Wheelock Branch, 3722 N. 26th Street


Two identical sessions available:


1:30 - 3 PM

3:30 - 5 PM


In addition to these in-person events, community members can also share their feedback during a Cushman and Adams Online Open House starting on October 21 through an online survey for the various scenarios. Community feedback from workshops and the online open house will help inform the City Council and Public Utilities Board’s decision-making about next steps for the sites.


More details on the project, including project background, next steps, and the project timeline, are available at cityoftacoma.org/cushman.



