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City and Port to Partner on Tideflats Subarea Plan

City of Tacoma and Port of Tacoma to Partner on Tideflats Subarea Plan

March 30, 2017



Anita Gallagher, Office of Mayor Marilyn Strickland, anita.gallagher@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-5156

Stacy Ellifritt, Media and Communications, stacy.ellifritt@cityoftacoma.org, (253) 591-2005


City of Tacoma and Port of Tacoma to Partner on Tideflats Subarea Plan


Tacoma, Wash. -- Mayor Marilyn Strickland and Port of Tacoma Commission President Dick Marzano have agreed to begin negotiation for an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) to develop a Tacoma Tideflats subarea plan. The ILA will outline roles and responsibilities for the project including the recruitment of a consultant to assist with developing the subarea plan. The ILA will require approval of both governing bodies.


“Tacoma is a growing and evolving city that has conducted sub-area plans for the Dome District, the Hilltop Neighborhood, the Tacoma Mall area,” said Strickland. “We look forward to working with the Port and hearing from residents throughout the county who have a stake and interest in this important community asset.”


The subarea plan will offer a streamlined, comprehensive approach for exploring opportunities and addressing concerns raised by community members, businesses, the City Council, and the Port of Tacoma about activities and future development in the Tacoma Tideflats. The goal is to have a professionally led, inclusive and thorough subarea planning process.


“It is important we embark upon a subarea plan that provides certainty for our citizens and businesses,” said District 2 representative Deputy Mayor Robert Thoms.  “I appreciate the Port's agreeing to partner in the funding and process. I know those I represent are eager to address many issues and opportunities.”


The subarea plan will take a holistic view of the tideflats area, and will result in a more detailed and focused plan than the high level land use designations outlined in the City’s Comprehensive Plan. Land use and zoning, capital facilities including transportation and infrastructure, environmental review, and economics will be considered as part of the subarea plan.


