18:25:34 From LT Jeffrey Katz (he/him) - Tacoma PD to Ted Richardson - Staff Liaison(Direct Message) : Here is the YouTube link to Captain Aguirre's video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ7JZ18aOZ4 18:31:55 From Ted Richardson - Staff Liaison : Link to video for anyone interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JQ7JZ18aOZ4 18:37:42 From Chelsea Talbert (she/her) to Hosts and panelists : https://www.cityoftacoma.org/government/city_departments/police 18:37:56 From Chelsea Talbert (she/her) to Hosts and panelists : https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/city.of.tacoma/viz/TacomaPoliceCrimeDashboard/CrimeDashboard-IntroPage 18:40:22 From Gretchen Aguirre to Ted Richardson - Staff Liaison(Direct Message) : Ted, I am going to drop off, unless you need anything. 18:41:31 From Ted Richardson - Staff Liaison to Gretchen Aguirre(Direct Message) : Nope, thank you! 18:41:59 From Gretchen Aguirre to Ted Richardson - Staff Liaison(Direct Message) : Thank you. 19:25:26 From LT Jeffrey Katz (he/him) - Tacoma PD to Hosts and panelists : Thanks for the opportunity to speak with you tonight! My contact information - jkatz@cityoftacoma.org (253) 591-5962 Please feel free to contact me with anything related to TPD - if I don't know the answer I'll get you connected! 19:26:52 From Ted Richardson - Staff Liaison : jkatz@cityoftacoma.org (253) 591-5962